Transfer Pricing

Our services are designed to strengthen confidence in business and society.

Our services are designed to strengthen confidence in business and society.

A line drawing of a sheet of paper with three squares on it.

Preparation of Local Report, Master Report and Country by Country Report

A line drawing of a bank building with arrows pointing in opposite directions and a dollar sign on top.

Transfer Pricing Return and its new contents

A line drawing of two hands shaking each other.

Support in the control of Transfer Pricing

A folder with a piece of paper in it.

Documentation and Planning of Intercompany Operations

A coin with a dollar sign and two arrows pointing in opposite directions.

Transfer Pricing Planning

A hand is pointing at a diamond on a piece of paper.

Analysis of the Benefit Test and low value added Operations

A line drawing of a sheet of paper with three squares on it.

Preparation of Local Report, Master Report and Country by Country Report

A line drawing of a bank building with arrows pointing in opposite directions and a dollar sign on top.

Transfer Pricing Return and its new contents

A line drawing of two hands shaking each other.

Support in the control of Transfer Pricing

A folder with a piece of paper in it.

Documentation and Planning of Intercompany Operations

A coin with a dollar sign and two arrows pointing in opposite directions.

Transfer Pricing Planning

A hand is pointing at a diamond on a piece of paper.

Analysis of the Benefit Test and low value added Operations

Who is required to present TPS?

Local Report

Taxpayers are obliged to present the return in the taxable year to which the return corresponds:

  • Their accrued income has exceeded 2,300 ITU.
  • They would have carried out transactions within the scope of the transfer pricing rules, where the amount of transactions is equal to or greater than 400 tax units.

Submission date: June of each year.

Master Report

Those taxpayers whose accrued income has exceeded 20,000 tax units and have carried out transactions within the scope of the transfer pricing rules, whose amount of transactions is equal to or greater than 400 tax units.

Submission date: October of each year.

Country Report

Whenever the income earned in the taxable year prior to which the return corresponds, according to the consolidated financial statements that the parent company of the multinational group must prepare, is greater than or equal to S/ 2,700,000,000, they are obliged to present the return.

Submission date: October of each year.

Leadership in Transfer Pricing

"Finding the right solution to a problem often depends on asking the right question and finding the right partner to solve".

We are a differentiated proposal in business consulting

Finding the right solution to a problem often depends on asking the right question and finding the right partner to solve it.

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